Top quality coating results
Extremely efficient installations
Sustainable relationships
ESTEE at Global Industrie 2021
from 6th to 9th september – Eurexpo, Lyon (FR)

Have you always wanted to see a powder coating installation in Virtual Reality?
Now is your chance! Visit our booth at Global Industrie in Lyon (FR) from September 6 to 9 and discover an integral ESTEE powder coating installation in Virtual Reality!
You will also discover more information about our most recent innovations:
- The SW+ extraction wall (lowest energy consumption and high spraying comfort)
- The single-chamber oven GCO+ – ECO+ (lowest energy consumption, highest safety & robustness)
- The single-chamber pre-treatment tunnel SPT+ (minimum water and energy consumption)
Is Lyon just a bit too far 🙂 ? No problem! On September 15 and 16 we will also be at Materials+Eurofinish+Surface 2021 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL) with our VR glasses.
More info? Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service at or call +32 9 388 54 10.
Would you like more information during a personal meeting? Feel free to contact us via the form below. One of our specialists will then contact you by telephone or by email as soon as possible to make an appointment.