Top quality coating results
Extremely efficient installations
Sustainable relationships
From lighting posts and road markings to repairing bridges and producing and installing road signs, Trafiroad has been the trusted supplier in Belgium for years. After almost 40 years of service, their old powder coating installation had to clear the way for its successor. In addition to greater flexibility and efficiency, the new installation also had to fit into their existing hall. A project perfectly suited to ESTEE Coating Solutions.
“At Trafiroad we can really say we offer a very wide range of services to our customers, from local authorities to large contractors,” says Danny De Rouck (Director Operations Trafiroad). “This allows us to offer them very diverse constructions. We can do almost anything. That flexibility is essential.
In that context, we have also decided to invest in a new powder coating line. It not only had to improve flexibility and efficiency, it also had to fit into our existing hall. Not an easy job, there was not much space.”
«”ESTEE Coating Solutions thought along very well and developed a powder coating line that perfectly met our requirements.”
ESTEE Coating Solutions thought along very well in this and actually came up rather quickly with a setup that met our requirements. The powder coating installation is fully customised and consists of two parts. The first is fully automatic and contains an automatic colour change. We used to have 5 different powder coating booths and we were obliged to build up a lot of stock. Now we can do everything with one powder coating booth with automatic colour change. In terms of efficiency this obviously counts. All posts and signs pass through this first section. Some boards need a second powder coating. This is semi-manually applied further down the line. After the powder coating, the posts and plates move to other production cells where they are finished.
There are challenges with every start-up, but ESTEE Coating Solutions has taken care of this for us. The powder coating line runs well and is a noticeable improvement compared to the past. Our goal is to powder coat over 1000 traffic signs per day every day the powder coating installation is running. With the training and aftercare that ESTEE offers, this should certainly succeed. ”
Number of employees: 300
Turnover (2018):: € 60.000.000
Year of creation: 1978
Address: Nieuwe Dreef 17, 9160 Lokeren
Tel : 09 355 54 54